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French TitlesLe soleil caché : une légende inuite de l'Arctique Raven created the stars, the water, the forests, the birds, the fish, and the animals. He also created humankind, to whom he taught a song, or golden rule, to encourage balance between the needs of humans and what nature provides. Over time, the humans forgot the song and Raven left with the sun to punish them for their negligence. It was only when a child born to Raven and an Inuit woman entered the invisible world that living things would again enjoy the heat of the sun. This tale is mythical in recounting the creation of the world, and sacred in invoking humans to live in harmony with the universe and to respect the rules of survival in a glacial environment. Like many tales, it contains lessons for young and old alike, with its share of punishments and rewards. The pictorial adaptation of this traditional work portrays the extreme vulnerability of humans when faced with the hostile powers of nature, and the strength they draw from the supernatural. Each illustration, many of them circular, fills two pages. The use of warm and cool colours is effective in conveying the emotions in the story. A master of her art, the illustrator incorporates textures, providing a three-dimensional effect to the work. –ST |